After cremation, not everyone wants their ashes scattered. Some people choose to keep the ashes of their loved ones to bolster the feeling of connection. In some parts of the U.S, one in five householders have an urn for ashes in their houses.
That said, whether you intend to keep the cremains permanently or temporarily, accidents happen. And some mishaps can lead to breaking of the urn for ashes in the process. So, what can you do in such instances?
Separate Broken Pieces from the Ash
Glass and ceramic urns can break into several pieces. Collect those pieces and separate them from the ash. If you can’t collect them, no worries, pick what you can.
Scoop as Much Ash as Possible
Find another container, preferably with a lid, to function as a temporary urn. Using a brush and a clean dustpan, try to scoop as much ash as possible with minimum contamination.
Do it gently and avoid breathing heavily. Cremains have airborne dust particles that are best to avoid. Take your time because it might take a while.
Assuming there’s still some cremains left on the floor, dampen a clean piece of cloth and use it to wipe the ashes. Then leave it in a safe place to dry and gather the ash from it later.
Replace the Urn for Ashes
It’s hard to repair a broken urn, especially glass, and ceramic urns. So the best option is to replace it with a new one. To avoid a repeat of the mishap, consider a few things before you buy an urn for your loved one’s ashes.
Here are three choices to consider.
Use Plastic Bags
If you prefer beautiful urns for decoration, you’ll find that many options are ceramic. You can find vase-shaped and custom urns made according to your requirements. Unfortunately, the ceramic material is fragile.
But that doesn’t mean you can’t use it. Instead of putting ashes directly into the urn, you can put them in a plastic bag, then place the bag inside the urn. Now, if the urn accidentally breaks again, the ash will be safe.
Choose an Urn That Doesn’t Break
A metal urn is one of the toughest. It won’t break if dropped. Other great options include stone urns and wood urns. They’re more resilient.
But ensure you seal the urn to keep the remains or ashes safe.
Keep the Urn for Ashes in a Hidden Place
If the risk of breaking the urn is high, you may prefer to keep it out of sight. Also, if it’s not a decorative urn, you don’t have to display it. Hide it in a place that is safe and less frequently visited. This option can be better if you live in a small apartment with limited shelf space.
Getting a New Urn for Ashes
Accidents can happen in the house, especially with kids or pets playing indoors. Adults can also knock an urn to the floor unintentionally. But you don’t have to lose the ashes of your loved one when the urn breaks. You can keep them safe by placing them in a plastic bag or using a non-breakable urn.
If you’re looking to buy an urn for cremated remains, Florida Family Cremations can help. We have a wide variety of urns with inner liners that keep the cremated ashes from spilling.
Our cremation facility offers affordable cremation services in clearwater and its environs. Our packages include veteran services, direct and simple cremation. Call us today for more inquiries.